Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Okay, I've actually been holding my tongue for a while on this one, just cause it's pretty big. BUT now that it's officially been released, I think it's a good time to make the announcement. I've written a new novella. It's my first non-comic book project ever, and I'm really excited about it. It was published by Read Furiously, as part of their One 'n Done series. They're a great group to work with, and you'll hear me mentioning their name a lot in the next couple months.

My novella is called What About Tuesday, and it's a story all about theoretical physics, our loose grasp on the concept of spacetime, hard boiled private investigators, and crappy office jobs. Or to quote from the official solicitation:

Should you ever wake up to find a day of the week missing due to a freak abnormality in the nature of space-time, it's probably a good idea not to mention it to anyone. It's definitely a good idea not to mention it to the slight ginger working for Getty's Private Investigators. You may think it's a good idea, but it'll be way more trouble than it's worth.

Really, it's probably best to just go about your day and forget anything ever happened. Cause technically, nothing did.

What About Tuesday is available on all sorts of platforms, and you can find a links to them at the Read Furiously website!


Tyreese N said...

Thanks for a grreat read