So let's get right down to it then, shall we?
First up, the biggest news of all. Brian & Bobbi got accepted into Diamond. This actually happened a few months back, and I've mentioned it a little here and there. But I say it officially now because not only has the book made it into Diamond, but it's in this month's issue of Previews. Here's a shot of it on page 302. Notice it's a Spotlight Feature for this month. I was just happy to make it into the catalog, so this was a huge surprise. And I'd like to extend a HUGE thank you to whoever it was at Diamond who picked the book.

Being that the book is in this month's issue of Previews, that means it's available for pre-order at your local comic shop. I've already gotten word from a bunch of comic shops that they'll be carrying it, and we're adding more to the list every day. Your local comic book shop may already be ordering the book, but the only way to know for sure is to ask. And if they aren't the order code is DEC101071. Tell them to pick up a few copies.
For those of you who don't have the luxury of a local comic shop in your area, Brian & Bobbi is popping up on sites all over the net. Some of the even have some pretty great deals on it if you pre-order now.
Westfield Comics has Brian & Bobbi available for $7.99
Midtown Comics is offering it at 35% off the cover price
And for those of you in the UK, Brian & Bobbi is available at Forbidden Planet.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. More sites will be adding Brian & Bobbi to their digital bookshelves every day, so keep your eyes peeled. As it is I already got word that Comic Break is going to be pre-ordering the book and they don't even have their December pre-orders listed yet.
If anyone knows of a comic shop or website that's carrying Brian & Bobbi, feel free to leave it in the comment section. I know I probably won't be able to list EVERY place that's carrying the book, but wouldn't it be nice if I could put together at least a somehwhat comprehensive list of places to get Brian & Bobbi. I think that'd be great.
Also, I'd like to take a second to give a very special shout out to the guys at Black Snake-Studios. They've been so helpful and supportive of Brian & Bobbi so I just thought I'd take a second to encourage people to head over to their website and check out all the awesome stuff they've got going on.
In other news, Brian & Bobbi has expanded digitally. Things have been going so well over at Wowio that Brian & Bobbi got picked up by as well. Now for those of you who aren't familiar with the site, they're definitely worth checking out. Not even just so you can download a copy of Brian & Bobbi, but because they've managed to put together a really great interface for digital comic reading. It actually makes it quite fun. And I say this as a strong supporter of all print medias.
Also I just wanted to take a quick second to reminder everyone that I'll be one of the featured creators at Steel City Comic Con, this coming weekend Dec. 3, 4, and 5. It's looking to be a great show and I'm very excited for it. We'll be premiering the special limited edition printing of Brian & Bobbi, which I saw just the other day and it looks amazing. I dare say I got a little misty eyed. On top of that, I'll be sharing the 215 Ink table with the creator of Jesus Hates Zombies and Massive Awesome Stephen Lindsay who will have a ton of great stuff available. AND if that wasn't enough, 215 Ink will be holding open submissions Saturday and Sunday. I was told that our publisher, Andrew DelQuadro, will be there in person with contracts in hand for anyone who can really impress him. So any writers, pencilers, inkers, colorists, letterers out there should definitely make a point to stop by and show us what you've got.
And lastly, just to finish off this extremely long posting, I thought I'd share a few other links worth noting:
-Here's a little interview I did with Douglas Lentes over at Paper Dragon Ink about Brian & Bobbi.
-This is Brian & Bobbi's first official review courtesy of Carl Doherty at Shelf Abuse. It's actually a pretty good review, despite the fact that Carl was not a fan of Bobbi at all.
-And here's a little shout out Brian & Bobbi got over at Project Fanboy. It's just a little note on Brian & Bobbi being picked up by Diamond, but it had some comments that made me smile.
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